Best Buy Will No Longer Sell CDs and Target May Be Next

The future of physical music isn’t looking good. According to Billboard, consumer electronics company Best Buy will no longer carry physical CDs and Target may be following suit in the near future.

Best Buy notified music suppliers that they will cease selling CDs at stores beginning July 1. The move is sure to hurt the already declining sales of CDs as consumers are switching to streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal in large numbers. CD sales have already dropped by a sizable 18.5 percent in the past year, Billboard reports.

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Author: admin

38 thoughts on “Best Buy Will No Longer Sell CDs and Target May Be Next

  1. This is a sign that we are in a recession. Think about it, if cds are not selling, what purpose does the record labels need the artist for if they are not generating revenue? Expect more drug overdoses and car accidents and the death of artist and entertainers. DVDs and CDs where the main source of income for record labels and movie companies right? Of course. This is not good at all. There is a dark cloud over America that is about to unveal, I just hope everyone is ready for the storm.

  2. Age has nothing to do with it. I'm 54 and I quit buying CD's 10 years ago, MP3 sounds just fine to me and I have hundreds of songs on my phone. Bluetooth all the way!

  3. SEE! I KNEW! I called it several years ago. Well, I said by 2020 they'll completely phase out physical copies of cd's. This format of music literally sits on the shelves and collects dust. That means nobody ever ends up buying them. I also didn't know that it costs money to keep physical copies in stores, much less press them up. In fact, I was in Target this morning and-ahh… dead… There's barely any music there. There's a bunch of regional Mexican cd's that nobody ever buys and a ton of Michael Jackson's greatest hits. These new school artists are safe because they fans download, stream, etcetera. What about old school artists? The average older fan is simply out of the loop and they aren't necessarily on social media all like that to know what's what. The average Ginuwine fan, Keith Sweat fan, etcetera thinks they haven't released music since 1998. Just sayin'. We already know that people do not buy physical copies of cd's. Ok, fine. But, what about fans that don't even buy music, digitally? It's lookin' pretty grim, but we shall see. See, I know the business behind music so it kinda worries me. I just hope they don't close down Bay Area stores like Amoeba Records and Rasputin Records. Oh, and old school artists, I know some of y'all are too proud for this and too proud for that, but-ahh… Get ready to either do a reality t.v. show, podcast, publicity stunt or sell yo' soul because…well… never mind. You'll see…

  4. This PAINS me to hear this. I remember growing up, CD’s were such a huge deal to me. I love to look through the booklet and see who mastered and mixed the songs, the lyrics, the artwork, even the smell of the CD!! I still buy CD’s and listening to an album for the first time while reading through the booklet is a whole other experience!

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